Monday, August 1, 2011

Folks, You Have to Farm It to Reap It

So here is something I wonder about constantly. What good is setting up a farm if you don't actually FARM it?!? All that effort and time wasted. Well I guess you can comfort yourself by saying "It kept me busy for awhile" But did that do anything to increase your net worth? Did that put milk on the table and meat on the grill?

Farms take time to cultivate. The roots need a chance to grow. Real farmers know that they can't rush the process. It does no good to tug on the tomato plants and yell "GROW" You need to be prepared to not see anything come from your farm for 7-12 months in the beginning. Most agents give up after 3 or 4 months saying "I tried it but it doesn't work for me" Well, of course, it is not going to grow because you stopped watering it. This is also true if you stop farming your farm. You stopped watering, you killed it, and it is going to take time to bring it back to life.

How big does a farm have to be to be productive? I guess that depends on what you can afford to spend in money and time on marketing. I think your basic farm should be at least 200 people that you know and are in your sphere of influence. Why 200 you ask? Well, that's the basic number for being able to send out bulk mail. Figure the coast at approximately 50 cents per person. That means you need to commit to spending $100 a month on your farm or $1,200 a year.

So make a commitment to sending something to your farm every month. Commit to putting in that much effort to cultivate your farm or please, just stop wasting your money.

Shannon Aldrich © 2011